Allow multiple instances
If checked, Twistpad can be opened with multiple instances (independent Twistpad windows).
If this option is not selected, if a Twistpad window is currently active, it will be reused if a file is launched
in Explorer.
Please note that when changing this option, it's required to restart Twistpad in order to take effect
Maximize window on open
If checked, every document window (opened or created new) will be maximized automatically.
Close all opened files when loading from workspace
If checked, When Loading a workspace file, all currently opened documents will be closed.
Use enhanced document switch
Allows to switch opened documents using Ctrl+Tab in a similar style to the alt+tab behaviour in Windows. (A window will show all the open documents and easily select the preferred one
if unchecked, Ctrl+Tab will select the next document in the order they have been opened/created and Shift+Ctrl+Tab will select the previous document.
Middle button click in tab closes document
If checked, using the middle mouse button in the respective tab in the switch bar, closes the document
Maximum items to hold on internal clipboard:
Specify the maximum number of items the internal clipboard should remember
Reactivate dialogs
Reset's "don't show again" options of some dialog box's
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